An introduction to the ways clinicians are using virtual reality (VR) technology, exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy to mitigate the symptoms of PTSD and anxiety, as well as an introduction to medical extended reality (MXR) and what it means for humans suffering from and treating PTSD and anxiety. For some like Owen Harris, VR is an accessible path to meditation practices for anxiety-relief.

episode references

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Birckhead, B., Eberlein, S., Alvarez, G., Gale, R., Dupuy, T., Makaroff, K., Fuller, G., Liu, X., Yu, K. S., Black, J. T., Ishimori, M., Venuturupalli, S., Tu, J., Norris, T., Tighiouart, M., Ross, L., McKelvey, K., Vrahas, M., Danovitch, I., & Spiegel, B. (2021). Home-based virtual reality for chronic pain: protocol for an NIH-supported randomised-controlled trial. BMJ Open11(6), e050545. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050545

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